— a poem of potpourris

What Was The Rain Trying To Say?

For once, the rain wasn’t on my side

Lita Tiara
Published in
1 min readApr 14, 2020


The rain came heavy
having no pause,
nor the slightest delay.
Along it brought a gallant stench
filling the room it succeeded,
rotting away the air.

Thunder removed each grain of valor,
we were all present
without any armor.
Yet we were too proud
to accept comfort,
nor to seek shelter
in the arms of another.

The stench remained
for hours and so.
Reeking, slowly lancing;
having no second care.
The stench said “I wish to stay,
until my fat ol’ friend called rain
washes away”

I asked to me,
“Is this the long lost familiarity
that’s coming back, greeting?”

“Did the room really speak,
or was it my ghost, taunting?”

